The following is a list of Adult Sunday School Classes, all of which welcome visitors. To obtain more information about these classes, please feel free to e-mail the church at
We are the newest class at Trinity, made of singles and young couples beginning, many of whom are beginning their families. We are led by long time members who are facilitating Bible based studies.
The Earthen Vessel/Boanerges class is made up largely of mature adults, many of whom are professionals (both active and retired) who have a wide variety of interests and activities.
“Friends in Faith” literally captures the relationship that exists among the members of this class.
This class has a commitment to both study during the Sunday School hour and an active social life outside of Sunday school where we come together on a regular basis to bond friendships
with each other.
We are in our prime and finding our way together through the transitions from teenagers to empty nesters, first time grand-parenting and life changes! The class studies a mix of Biblical and other timely topics, including parenting teenagers and adult children, supporting aging parents, nurturing relationships and finding work/life balance, with a focus on applying faith principles and
practices to everyday life.
Recently combined, these two groups make up Trinity’s “super seniors” but we are actually all “young-at-heart” adults. The history of Trinity UMC can be recounted by most of our members since we have been around for a number of years! The International Series of Bible Studies is the basis for our sessions, led by knowledgeable class members with an occasional guest speaker/leader.
The word serendipity means full of possibilities or surprises and we believe this definition easily describes the Serendipity Sunday School class.
“O come, let us sing unto the Lord; let us make a joyful noise unto the rock of our salvation." Psalm 95:1
The music ministry at Trinity strongly believes in the value of making music together for the glory of God.
Chancel Choir: meets Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in the Choir Room for practice and fellowship. This group of dedicated singers leads the 11:00 am worship service year round. No audition is required, and new singers are always welcome! If you enjoy singing and want to praise the Lord with your heart and voice, please contact us for more information.
Chancel Ringers meets Wednesdays at 5:30 pm in the Bell Room. This group prepares and present special music during Christmas and Easter season. No audition required, and new ringers are welcome. Contact us for more information.
Praise Team meets Wednesdays at 5:30 pm in the Choir Room. This group leads 9:00 am worship service year round. If you enjoy singing or playing an instrument in an encouraging environment, please contact us.
Trinity Ringers (Youth, grades 6-12) meets Sundays at 5:00 pm in the Bell Room. This group is composed of members from the Youth group. They prepare and present special music during Christmas and Easter season. No audition required, and new ringers are welcome!
Special Music Events at Trinity, we frequently offer music concerts for the community free of charge: 'Trinity Presents' concert series with guest musicians, Trinity's Got Talent, Youth Musical, Children's Musical, etc. Stay tuned for announcements of these free events.
Our Families with Children Ministry is growing and an active part of our congregation’s life!
We provide a variety of activities for spiritual growth, fun, and fellowship including; Sunday School, Bible Boot Camp, Confirmation classes as well as, quarterly fellowship events, and community events such as Vacation Bible School, Easter Party and others.
Sunday School
Sunday mornings at 10:00, we have Sunday School for ages 18 months to 2 years and 3 years to Kindergarten age in our Nursery area. Our Bible stories and age appropriate lessons correspond with the Methodist lectionary for repetition of scripture and lesson points and we incorporate music, theme crafts, and play time.
1st grade through 5th grade, Sunday School lessons present a variety of learning styles for children. We meet in In our "Believer’s Village" area. Again, our Bible stories and lessons correspond with the Methodist lectionary. We learn through stories, crafts, visual media, drama, and food creations. Throughout the lesson series, this teaching style provides a multi-sensory experience serving each child with a style that best suits them.
At 9:00 and 11:00 during our worship service, children are invited to join Anne Stocks, Minister to Families with Children at the front of the sanctuary for a Time for Young Christians. A brief lesson with scripture is introduced to the children. Scripture cards with a special treat are provided as the children return to their seats or move to the nursery provided for children 5 years and under.
For those staying in the sanctuary, there are worship packets for the children to use. The material corresponds with the message for the day, coloring pages, word puzzles and more.
We hope that you will join in the fun and fellowship of this ministry.
Please feel free to contact Anne Stocks at (501)666-2813 or
Our youth program is one that is focus FIRST on a personal and real relationship with Christ and SECONDLY on real and personal relationships with one another. And we strive to reach out to those that have not yet come to know Christ, as we walk our life journey together as a church and youth “family.”
We have times of fun (Paintball, Bowling, BIG Spring Break Family Trips, Mystery Trips, Scavenger Hunts, Sports, etc.) with times of serious learning and reflection (Bible Study, Retreat, Missions, etc).
Trinity Youth is a place of love and doing all we can to live like Christians both to each other and to the world around us. COME!...join our youth family!
Sunday Night Youth
Youth meets weekly from 6:00pm-7:00pm on Sunday evenings. We have a "snack supper" time in which we start the evening having a small meal together.
Then we mix things up from week to week including games, fellowship, small groups, discussion groups and different programs in order to challenge teens to grow spiritually and connect to one another as a youth “Family".
For additional information, please email our Youth Minister, Jay Sweningson, at: